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Take a Musical Journey to Africa

Take a Musical Journey to Africa

The Land of Yangalele, a new children’s music CD by Congolese-American artist “Papa Siama” Matuzungidi and singer “Auntie Dallas” Johnson, introduces children to African culture, rhythms and music. Yangalele (Yawn-gah-LAY-lay) means “happiness” in…

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Global Learning Resources for Kids

Global Learning Resources for Kids

It’s been a great week collaborating with other global educators for our Global Learning in the Elementary Classroom miniseries. We featured information, resources, and activities to teach our youngest learners about world geography and…

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A China Odyssey


A China Odyssey is a guest post by Jennifer DeCristoforo, the author of Lucky Bamboo Book of Crafts.   I’m so pleased to be invited to do a guest post…

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