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International Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day honors the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Nazism and develops educational programs to help prevent future genocides.

National Freedom Day

National Freedom Day is observed on February 1st in the United States to commemorate the date in 1865 when President Abraham Lincoln signed the joint resolution that later became the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery. It serves as a day to reflect on the importance of freedom, equality, and the ongoing pursuit of civil…

Rosa Parks Day

Rosa Parks Day is an American holiday honoring the civil rights activist Rosa Parks, born on this day in 1913.

Harmony Day, Australia

Harmony Day in Australia is a national observance promoting cultural diversity, inclusiveness, and respect for all Australians, regardless of their cultural background. The day encourages people to embrace and appreciate the rich tapestry of cultures that contribute to Australia's multicultural society.

International Day of Forests

The International Day of Forests is an observance day to celebrate the beauty of the world’s forests and to raise awareness about the importance of trees to humans and our planet.

American Indian Citizenship Day

American Indian Citizenship Day commemorates the passage of the Indian Citizenship Act in 1924, granting United States citizenship to all Native Americans born in the country.