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International Coffee Day

International Coffee Day is an opportunity for coffee lovers to share their appreciation of the beverage and support the millions of farmers whose livelihoods depend on the crop.

Gandhi’s Birthday

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India. He was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. Learn About Mohandas Gandhi

International Day of Non-Violence

The International Day of Non-Violence takes place every year on October 2, honoring the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. The goal is to promote non-violence through education and public awareness.

World Animal Day

World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare held annually on October 4.

World Teachers’ Day

World Teachers' Day is a global celebration that honors the contributions and dedication of teachers worldwide. The day highlights the importance of education, recognizes teachers' impact on students and society,…

World Habitat Day

World Habitat Day is observed every year on the first Monday of October throughout the world. The purpose is to raise awareness and encourage action for the basic right to…

Hangeul Day, South Korea

Hangeul Day is a celebration of the Korean alphabet, known as Hangeul. The day is known as 한글날 (Hangulnal) in Korean and is also known as Hangeul Proclamation Day. Hangeul…

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. The holy day is traditionally observed by fasting, praying, and attending synagogue services.…

International Day of the Girl

The International Day of the Girl is dedicated to raising awareness about the needs and challenges girls face and promoting their human rights.