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Las Fallas

Las Fallas is a traditional festival celebrated in Valencia, Spain, known for its elaborate and artistic sculptures called "fallas" that are displayed throughout the city. The festival culminates in the burning of these sculptures in a spectacular bonfire, accompanied by fireworks and lively street celebrations, typically held in mid-March.

Seville Fair, Spain

The Seville Feria (fair) is a weeklong festival in Spain that begins two weeks after the Semana Santa, or Easter Holy Week. Dancing, eating, drinking, horse parades, and colorful tents are all part of the celebration.

El Colacho, Spain

El Salto del Colacho, also known as The Baby Jumping Festival, is a Spanish ritual in which men dressed as the devil jump over babies born within the year. Traditionally, the “devils” jump over the babies to lure away evil spirits and leave the babies blessed and pure.

Running of the Bulls, Spain

Running of the Bulls, the world’s most exciting bull race, takes place every July in the streets of Pamplona, Spain.